Somewhere in Vietnam

24 Dec 1966

Dear Jim, Bev & Monique,

     Thanks for writing Jim.  I am sorry you have been so sick.  I hope it has cleared up some by now.  You will have to behave over the holidays huh!  No booze!  Don't feel bad, I won't get much either.

     Yes, I knew Howard Mark.  Mom wrote about it and sent the piece from the "Press".  The Deremo will claim more too if they don't get a tight safety program going.

      Thanks for the pictures.  I sure enjoy them.

     Yesterday morning we were working on a bunker down by the docks.  We spotted some beer stacked up and did we have a hell of a time!  We "borrowed" three cases.  We were supposed to secure at 1030 but we stayed down there until 1300.  Marines can get anything they want around here.  We either "beg, borrow, or steal".  The Lieutenant found out about it and was pissed but hasn't chewed on our ass yet.

     I have to stand post tonite (Xmas Eve) but will get relieved long enough to go to Midnite Mass.  Don't know if we can go to the Mass Monday that Cardinal Spellman is offering.  Sure would like to tho.

     It has rained steady for three days now.  More rain here in one day than you get in a year.  It keeps the dust down and cools things off tho.  In fact it was quite cold on post last nite.  I was soaked throughout!

     Got three letters from Vannie today.  She is real sweet.  She sent me a beautiful St.Christopher Medal.  I'll wear it along with my other one.

     We are supposedly on a truce for 48 hrs but can't let up any.  I wish the Zips would hit us.  Everyone is itchin for a good fire-fight.

     Got my MOS changed.  I'm a "Grunt" now.  Can't see working in an office.  It gets sickening at times.  I stay busier this way so don't have time to sit and think.

     I hope my presents come on time for Xmas.  I love you all.

Your Brother
